Because (Complete) version, Perspective 2
Written by Matt Alexander
Destiny (Complete) version, Perspective 2
Written by Matt Alexander
Supposedly (Complete) version, Perspectives 1, 2, and 3
Improvisation (Complete) version, Perspective 1
Written by Matt Alexander
The Hohner White Baby Grand (complete) is a highly versatile multiple perspective package, containing a breathtaking 3 microphone perspectives with 17 velocity layers in each, along with release samples, piano effects and performance sounds.
Provided at full 24-bit audio fidelity, this grand piano sample library totals 30GB of data (12GB download), and over 8000 unique samples.
The additional mic perspectives provide a versatility rarely seen in piano sample libraries. This is essentially 3 grands in one package. Every note in each layer was recorded, with 17 velocity layers of mic perspective 1, 17 velocity layers of perspective 2, and 17 velocity layers of perspective 3, giving this distinctive library a total of over 100 unique samples per note.
The use of multiple perspectives is a long-used trick in the record industry, and is essential for creating the right custom piano sound for mixing. Name almost any piano-based recording artist; Gary Barlow, Delta Goodrem, Lucie Silvas, Christina Aguilera, their engineers use multiple recording perspectives in their piano-based records. Not only does it add versatility in terms of character of sound, but allows for a more realistic integration with the "sound-space" of a track.
Microphone perspective 1 was recorded in stereo 2 inches from the sound-board, for a "larger-than-life" sound, perspective 2 was recorded in stereo directly inside the instrument, for a cleaner, more "up-front" sound, and perspective 3 was recorded in mono 2 metres away from the piano for the "room" sound. Each perspective of the Hohner White Baby Grand (complete) has been painstakingly edited simultaneously, to provide identical start times. Treat this sampled piano library like a live instrument; mix the perspectives like you would a live recording.
What about memory? This piano library uses direct-from-disc technology, which means it has a RAM footprint of only 350MB.
Included in the Hohner White Baby Grand (Pro) package, you will find the following instruments:
Mic Perspective 1 (2 inches from the soundboard, for a larger-than-life sound):
White Baby Grand Piano P1 17: (16 velocity layer baby grand piano with perspective 1)
Human Fingers White Baby Grand: (17 layer baby grand piano with perspective 1, including the sound of the fingers tapping the ivory keys)
White Fantasy Grand: (low-velocity dark samples only)
White Baby Grand FX P1: (piano performance effects, pedal sounds, lid open and close, direct string glissandos at perspective 1)
Mic Perspective 2 (close-miked near the strings, for a cleaner "up-front" sound):
White Baby Grand Piano P2 09: (17 velocity layer baby grand piano with perspective 2)
Human Fingers White Baby Grand: (17 layer baby grand piano with perspective 2, including the sound of the fingers tapping the ivory keys)
White Baby Grand FX P2: (piano performance effects, pedal sounds, lid open and close, direct string glissandos at perspective 2)
Mic Perspective 3 (2 metres from the piano, for a distant mono "room" sound):
White Baby Grand Piano P3 17: (17 velocity layer baby grand piano with perspective 3)
Human Fingers White Baby Grand: (17 layer baby grand piano with perspective 31, including the sound of the fingers tapping the ivory keys)
*NB: You cannot use Kontakt Player with this library. Please use Full Retail Kontakt 4 or higher, or EXS24, or use the included PC & Mac (VST / AU) version.