All products are available worldwide. Upgrade paths to all instruments are available. You will never have to pay twice for the same sample. Please note that as with all Imperfect Samples, these are a environmentally friendly downloadable products. On an 8Mbit internet connection, a 8GB download might take around 2 hours.
NB: Kontakt Player will time out after 30 minutes. If you do not own Kontakt (Full), please use the included ISP (VST / AU) format.
The Ebony Concert Grand (Basic)
This an 8 layer version of the raw and epic Fazioli Concert Grand, including release samples, FX, and one microphone perspective. It contains over 7GB of data (3GB download). Demos of this version of the product, are available here.
The Ebony Concert Grand (Pro)
Includes up to 12 layers, 2 mic perspectives, release samples, FX, and true staccato. Microphone perspective 1 is 2 inches from the soundboard, for a larger-than-life sound, and microphone perspective 2 is near the hammers, for a wide, cleaner sound. This instrument contains over 17GB of data (8GB download). Demos of this version of the product, are available here.
The Ebony Concert Grand (Complete)
Includes up to 14 layers, 3 mic perspectives, release samples, FX, true staccato, and picked strings. This instrument contains over 30GB of data (13GB download). This version has added versatility, whilst retaining a raw and imperfectly sampled sound character. Demos of this version of the product, are available here.
The Ebony Concert Grand (Extreme)
The World's Largest Sampled Grand Piano*. This is the flagship of the Fazioli Ebony Concert Grand line-up. This instrument contains all of the (basic), (pro), and (complete) instruments and more. Including up to 127 layers, 5 mic perspectives, both imperfect and classic perfectly recorded instruments, release samples, FX, true staccato, true crotchet, and picked strings. Including over 70,000 samples, this instrument contains over 160GB of data, and is provided via 80GB compressed download. Worldwide delivery of a backup USB hard disk drive is also available after purchase, for £69.99. This includes watermarking, packaging, worldwide delivery via courier, and payment processor fees. Demos of this product, are available here.
For a more in-depth comparison of the versions of the Fazioli Ebony Concert Grand, click here.
* At the time of release, based on number of samples
**although prices are shown in £GBP, these products are available worldwide |